Press Releases & Announcements
Frederik Pleitgen
March 3rd, 2014
CNN’s Coverage: Ukraine
As tensions mount in Ukraine, CNN’s journalists continue to cover the crisis from around the world. Anderson Cooper has traveled […]
November 25th, 2013
CNN’s Fred Pleitgen reports on “Geneva II” conference from Damascus, Syria
CNN’s Fred Pleitgen (@fpleitgenCNN) reports live from Damascus, Syria on the “Geneva II” peace conference, which was announced earlier today […]
September 16th, 2013
CNN’s Fred Pleitgen goes inside the Syria weapons lab
CNN’s Fred Pleitgen (@fpleitgencnn) gets rare access to the inspectors and laboratory that collected the chemical weapons evidence in Syria. […]
August 29th, 2013
Syria’s Info. Minister tells CNN America is making a big mistake
In a sit-down interview in Damascus, Syrian Information Minister Omran al Zoubi tells CNN’s Fred Pleitgen (@fpleitgenCNN) that he wants […]
June 17th, 2013
CNN Exclusive: On the front line with pro-Assad snipers in Syria
CNN’s Fred Pleitgen (@fpleitgencnn) travels to the front line with a Palestinian militia fighting with the Syrian army, and reports on […]