Press Releases & Announcements


January 14th, 2013

Ali Velshi debunks debt ceiling myths

CNN’s Ali Velshi (@alivelshi) explains the how the debt ceiling works, and why we can’t afford another Congressional stand-off.

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January 13th, 2013

Sen. Chris Murphy on CNN’s State of the Union: “This is not your father’s NRA. It represents gun manufacturers.”

Today on CNN’s State of the Union with Candy Crowley, Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy spoke about the gun control debate […]

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January 12th, 2013

Monday: @andersoncooper Anchors @AC360 Live From Newtown, CT; Special “United in Newtown”

One month after the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, Anderson Cooper will anchor a special AC360° “United in Newtown” , airing […]

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January 11th, 2013

The Next List: Neuroscientist comes up with an innovative way to inspire future generations

Greg Gage is a globe-trekking neuroscientist, engineer, teacher and entrepreneur. He’s the co-founder of Backyard Brains, a Michigan-based company that […]

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Bill Richardson: North Korea is hostile, unpredictable; Schmidt a “rock star there”

Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson describes his trip to North Korea emphasizing that it’s best for as many people […]

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