Press Releases & Announcements


February 22nd, 2011

Wis. Senators debate Gov. response to Union concessions

On today’s edition of American Morning, Wisconsin State Senators Glenn Grothman (R) and Jon Erpenbach (D) talk to CNN’s T.J. […]

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February 21st, 2011

Tonight live on Piers Morgan Tonight…

CNN’s Piers Morgan talks to New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof about the instability in the Middle East.

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Ben Wedeman Reports Live From Inside Libya on Parker-Spitzer

CNN’s Ben Wedeman (@bencnn) reports from an undisclosed location in eastern Libya, where anti-Gadhafi forces are in full control.

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Gov. Kasich: Obama came to Ohio 12 times to defeat me and he didn’t win

CNN’s Jessica Yellin spoke with Ohio  Gov. Kasich about his state facing similar budget troubles like Wisconsin. Full transcript is […]

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Arnold Schwarzenegger and LeBron James talk to John King

CNN’s John King catches up with Arnold Schwarzenegger and LeBron James at an After-School All-Stars charity event. Full transcript is […]

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