Press Releases & Announcements


June 1st, 2011

Donald Trump on Piers Morgan Tonight: ‘Weiner handled this horribly’

“Piers Morgan Tonight” was live this evening covering the biggest news stories of the day. Donald Trump discussed his pizza […]

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CNN Posts Significant Year-Over-Year Ratings Gains

CNN Tops MSNBC in Total Day in Total Viewers and Key Demo 25-54 Anderson Cooper 360 Tops MSNBC’s Ed Schultz […]

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CNN’s first broadcast: June 1, 1980

Thirty-one years ago today, CNN aired its first broadcast.

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Palin embraces unconventional strategy ahead of possible 2012 bid

Jersey City, New Jersey (CNN) – A presidential campaign typically begins at the micro-level in Iowa or New Hampshire, with […]

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Physicist Michio Kaku: We came close to losing northern Japan

Physicist Michio Kaku tells “In the Arena” host Eliot Spitzer that northern Japan was almost lost to a “100% core […]

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