August 24th, 2017

CNN Digital Sees 8.6 Million Live Video Starts for Solar Eclipse; 5.7 Million for Virtual Reality 4K Live Stream

CNN’s live stream feeds of the solar eclipse saw a total of 8.6 million live starts, with 3.8 million coming from CNN properties and an additional 4.8 million video views through Facebook.

CNNVR’s “Eclipse of the Century” virtual reality 4K live stream secured an unprecedented total of 5.7 million live starts, with 2.9 million from CNN properties with support from Akamai, and an additional 2.8 million video views of the stream through Facebook 360. The event was the most watched live VR experience in history.

Total day traffic for CNN Digital reached 26 million unique visitors with 24 million video starts.  It was the second highest day of 2017 behind only the Inauguration for both unique visitors and video starts.


Press Contact: Emily Kuhn;