CNNMoney Affirms Position as a Top Five Financial News Destination
CNNMoney settled firmly into the Top Five ranking of financial news destinations in July 2015 with its best month on record across platforms.
Continuing its streak of month-over-month growth, CNNMoney saw record numbers in visitors, engagement and video in July. Coming on the heels of the one-year anniversary of CNN’s full acquisition of CNNMoney, the investment in video and social teams, tools and resources is paying off.
In July 2015, CNNMoney saw records in**:
MULTIPLATFORM TRAFFIC (Desktop + Mobile + Tablet)
Hitting the highest totals on record for both unique multi-platform visitors and minutes spent, CNNMoney saw:
- 23.7M multiplatform unique visitors, moving ahead of Wall Street Journal Online,, AOL-HuffPost Money & Finance and more.
- 427M minutes spent on the property in July 2015, beating out MSN Money, AOL-HuffPost Money & Finance, Wall Street Journal Online, and more.
The first seven months of 2015 represent the highest seven mobile totals on record for CNNMoney, recording:
- 12.7M mobile unique visitors in July 2015, ahead of,, AOL-HuffPost Money & Finance and more.
Across key video metric categories, CNNMoney ranked comfortably in the Top Five with:
- 12.3 million desktop unique visitors, ousting, Wall Street Journal Online, and more.
- 283 million minutes spent watching video on the site, ranking fourth ahead of MSN Money, AOL-HuffPost Money & Finance, Wall Street Journal Online and more.
**Source: comScore Multi-Platform Report, June – July 2015. Multi-Platform records date to February 2013. Video Metrix data is desktop online. Views: Adobe Marketing Cloud/Omniture SiteCatalyst, Period: July 2015. All video data is desktop only.