May 1st, 2014

Exclusive: Amanda Knox “I did not kill my friend.”

Tonight on CNN, Chris Cuomo talked exclusively with Amanda Knox about her reaction to the Italian appellate courts’ report on her conviction. Knox told Cuomo if she had been at the scene of the crime, forensic evidence would prove her guilt, but Amanda Knox says there is nothing — no DNA, no hair, no footprints, no handprints — to show she was there.  “I did not kill my friend. I did not wield a knife. I had no reason to,” Knox said.  “In the month that we that we were living together, we were becoming friends. A week before the murder occurred, we went out to a classical music concert together … We had never fought.”
Knox struggled to speak at moments in the interview, seemingly overcome by emotion and thoughts of Kercher. But, for the most part, she was calm, collected and methodical in how she broke down arguments in the case.
Asked by Cuomo if Supreme Court rules against her but she was not extradited to Italy, would she ever really feel free, Knox said “I don’t think that it’s such a difficult thing to understand our innocence.  And at this point, I truly believe that this specific motivation, if anything, goes to show that it’s only speculation that convicts us.  It’s evidence that acquits us…I’m holding firm to that, in hopes that what you’re suggesting might happen doesn’t.