CNN Press Room

Klitschko: “We have to unite it all together”

CNN’s FAREED ZAKARIA GPS features an interview with Vitali Klitschko, former world champion boxer and Ukrainian opposition leader, about fighting the Russian invasion, the likelihood of war between Russia and Ukraine, the need for support from the west, and the territory of Crimea.

A transcript of the interview is available after the jump.


FAREED ZAKARIA, CNN HOST:  Imagine being in Ukraine’s position now.

Is there anything it can do?

My next guest says yes.  Vitali Klitschko is not one to back down from a fight.  He is the former world champion boxer.  He’s also one of the leaders of the revolution that toppled the Ukrainian government just one week ago.  Now he’s ready to fight the Russians.

Vitali Klitschko, welcome.

And let me ask you very simply, do you believe that there is a likelihood of war between Russia and Ukraine?

VITALI KLITSCHKO, UKRAINIAN DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE FOR REFORM:  Right now it’s a very difficult situation for Ukraine.  This Russian expansion into Crimea has bring a lot of bad feeling for all Ukrainians, as everybody have said.  That is right now is main point.

We have to unite it all together, it’s united all country and the question right now about the independence of Ukraine — because it’s not a question about Crimea, some part of — part of East Ukrainian cities starting to bring Russian flags and put the flags on government building.

And meetings going on right now in — meetings starting right in the Kharkiv, Donetsk, Dnieperpetrovsk (ph), in some of the other cities.

And very important point right now, keep in the control whole situation for Ukrainians, because I am more than sure it’s the old scenario, create not from Ukraine outside of Ukraine.

ZAKARIA:  You believe that most of what is happening in Ukraine is being created from outside, which means by Russia.

Do you think that Ukraine, the Ukrainian government needs military help from the West, from NATO?

Do you — do you call on the West to intervene to help Ukraine militarily?

KLITSCHKO:  We call right now to support because it’s a negotiation in Budapest between United States, Great Britain and Russia, regarding independence Ukraine and the Ukraine, leave all nuclear weapons from the country.  And right now United States and Great Britain have to be guaranteed of — for Ukraine as independent country.



ZAKARIA:  You want the United States — you want United States and Britain to guarantee the independence of Ukraine, including Crimea?

Does that mean you want America to help in getting Russian forces out of Crimea?

KLITSCHKO:  Yes, of course.  It’s the main point right now the Russians have to put — take away their Russian forces from Crimea.  It’s the main point.  It’s Crimea, Ukraine territory.  It’s — if we talk independence of Ukraine, it’s all military forces have to remove from Ukrainian territory.  It’s crystal clear.

ZAKARIA:  You know, a lot of Russians say that Crimea is really originally part of Russia and that it would be OK if Crimea were to go to Russia.

Do you believe that would be OK?

Would it be acceptable to the Ukrainian people to — for Crimea to become part of Russia?

KLITSCHKO:  It’s not acceptable.  Crimea always was a part of Ukraine’s country and right now Russia try to create new territory.  And it’s all situations, what happens right now is Crimea create not from Ukraine, not in Crimea.  It’s created outside.  And we are more than sure it’s creating internal (ph).

ZAKARIA:  Thank you very much, Mr. Klitschko.  Best of luck.

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