CNN Press Room

Sen. Manchin: “70-80%” to deal; apologizes to “American people”

To extend the continuing resolution and debt ceiling, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) outlined a bipartisan “template” that 12 Senators have proposed, which includes the postponement of the medical device tax for two years, verification of people signing up for Obamacare, and a requirement to go to conference on the budget. When “New Day” Anchor Chris Cuomo asked Senator Manchin if Democrats attempting to add a provision to the deal that allows agencies to handle sequester cuts is similar to Republicans trying to amend the Affordable Care Act, Senator Manchin said that there needs to be a “grand deal.”

“The good news is, there are 12 of us – six Democrats, six Republicans – have been talking for two weeks. We’ve got a good template. We believe that the template that we put together is something that both leaders are looking at – Leader [Harry] Reid and Leader [Mitch] McConnell. They need to put the numbers to it. They need to basically put the dates on the [continuing resolution] and the debt ceiling. But this is a good compromise that works well and it basically can move our government forward,” Sen. Manchin said.

“I’m ashamed and I want to apologize to the American people,” Sen. Manchin said. “This is not what we signed up for. This is not what I’m going to sit back and let happen if I can help it.”

“New Day” airs weekday mornings from 6-9 a.m. ET on CNN.
