CNN Digital launches platform for modern-day parents
This morning, CNN Digital premiered CNN Parents, a new digital platform focused on modern parenting. The section’s goal is to share the chaos, mess-ups and the truth — good, bad and ugly — about all stages of child rearing and relate to the working parent. CNN Parents will give moms, dads and guardians a new place to find answers to their burning questions, to revel (or commiserate) on parenting issues and encourage dialogue via newsy articles, videos, Q&A’s and galleries.
CNN Parents is divided into categories, such as:
– Digital Life, with articles about how the latest digital tools impact a family dynamic
– Confessions, a place for parents to share revelations and experiences with fellow parents
– Parenting Buzz, a guide on the latest news and trends about what parents need to know
Today’s highlighted story on the section examines a correlation between stage parents and ambition, written by CNN’s recently-announced digital correspondent Kelly Wallace, who starts next week. CNN Parents will also have guest contributors from time to time such as Bunmi Laditan, the blogger of The Honest Toddler and author of The Honest Toddler: A Child’s Guide to Parenting.
Also up on the section today is an assignment from iReport, CNN’s global participatory news community. They’re inviting parents to share their personal stories online in “Confessions of an imperfect parent.” CNN Parents will also be available on the iPad and all mobile devices. For more information about CNN Parents, follow @CNNLiving on Twitter using the hashtag #CNNParents and on Facebook at CNN Living.