CNN Press Room

Former Secy. Albright to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer: “I promise never to play basketball if Dennis Rodman promises not to do diplomacy.”

Today on CNN’s The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright sat down with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer to talk about North Korea and more.A highlight from the interview is after the jump.

BLITZER:  Because his son now has met with Dennis Rodman.  He couldn’t get Michael Jordan to come, but he got Dennis Rodman.  That’s a big deal.  And he said the most important thing was — what Dennis Rodman said is Kim Jong-un wants a phone call from the president.

ALBRIGHT:  Well, I — you know, I think that the main thing here is I promise never to play basketball if Dennis Rodman promises not to do diplomacy.

BLITZER:  He may be going back, he says.  He may be going back.  But as ridiculous as that thing sounds, the president, when he was a candidate back in 2007, he did say he’s open to these kinds of conversations, reaching out to these despots.

ALBRIGHT:  Well, the president, I think, is right in wanting to talk to people.  I think the issue here is one does not do it under these kinds of threats.  And what has to happen is the North Koreans know what they have to do.

They have to abide by the agreements that they’ve made.  We want a denuclearized Korean Peninsula.  And once they abide by all the agreements, we have a way that we can talk to them.

BLITZER:  The former secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, thanks very much.

So you’re not going to play basketball?

ALBRIGHT:  I don’t think so.