Piers Morgan Live: Suze Orman and author Ryan Anderson debate same-sex marriage
Tonight with a live studio audience “Piers Morgan Live” welcomed financial guru Suze Orman to share her insights on everything from to same-sex marriage to taxes and Tiger Woods.
Engaging in a passionate debate with conservative author Ryan Anderson about same-sex marriage, Anderson explains why he doesn’t support same sex marriage, and more importantly, feels the government shouldn’t have a role in defining marriage:
“I want the right to marry to be for everyone. The question is ‘what is marriage?’ I think that marriage is intrinsically, what it is, is a union of a man and woman, a husband and a wife, a mother and a father.” “But I think all adults should be free to live and to love as they choose…. You don’t necessarily need the government calling your adult relationship a marriage.”
Orman, meanwhile, who’s married to her partner, and openly supports same-sex marriage, offers her response:
“I feel compassion for you, and I’ll tell you why.” “I know that you believe very strongly what you believe, but I also know that you’re very, very uneducated in how it really, really works. And I believe from the bottom of my heart that if you really, really understood why the government does need to get involved, why it does need to be legal on a federal level, if you really understood that, there is no way that you would sit there and say what you are saying right now.”