CNN Press Room

Steubenville Victim’s Attorney Speaks to CNN’s Piers Morgan

Last night Bob Fitzsimmons, the attorney of the 16 year old girl that was raped by two Steubenville, Ohio football players spoke tonight with CNN’s Piers Morgan. Speaking about Ma’lik Richmond’s apology in a courtroom yesterday he said this:

“It was a very emotionally-packed moment that occurred in that courtroom, where watching this young boy suffer once he realized what the punishment, and what had happened at that point.. It was hard to watch anybody suffer, a human being like that. And I think everybody in that courtroom was significantly moved. It was those emotions that moved everybody there. Not that that was right or acceptable or forgiving at that point, but to see the pain that he had caused himself and others.”

Fitzsimmons was asked about his client’s current state of mind after the verdict:

“She has not at this point forgiven anybody for what she’s been through, the terrible ordeal…People need to wake up and do the right thing at this point and accept what’s been decided by the judge.”