CNN Press Room

EXCLUSIVE: Reeva Steenkamp’s brother Adam on tonight’s AC360 “We want to know what the truth is”

In an exclusive interview which will air tonight on Anderson Cooper 360°, Jake tapper spoke with the brother of Reeva Steenkamp, who was allegedly shot by her boyfriend Oscar Pistorius.

Tapper, who is filling in for Anderson, asked Adam Steenkamp about his sister and what the last days have been like for the family. The interview will air tonight at 8 &10pm ET on CNN.

Below is a select bite from tonight’s interview:

Jake Tapper: Adam, your family- as you work through your grief and you try to suspend any judgments, are you able to just hover in an area and not reach any conclusion or do you go back and forth between different views of what happened that horrible, horrible night?

Adam Steenkamp: I think each individual in the family has swung either way. People’s thoughts are all over the place at the moment. I mean at a time like this when people are grieving I think it’s hard to keep a clear mind on anything. And with the added pressure and the media coverage and the interest you know from the world looking into this story – it’s a rather unnatural situation, so I suppose I would agree with everyone is flipping from one side to the other. We just don’t know, you know, all that we want is we want to know what the truth is and I think that’s what everyone else would like as well. You know to be able to make something of this- to be able to deal with this and have something positive come out of this.

Please credit all usage to Anderson Cooper 360°