January 22nd, 2013
CNN’s Jake Tapper talks about Wednesday’s Benghazi hearing
Anchor and chief Washington correspondent Jake Tapper talks with lead political anchor Wolf Blitzer on his first day at CNN about Secy. Clinton’s Benghazi hearing on Wednesday.
Tapper to Blitzer on Secy. Clinton’s hearing, “My sources tell me that there actually are a few new emails and cables, including some from November 2011 when the late U.S. ambassador, Chris Stevens, was exploring the idea of moving the compound in Benghazi to a different location, adjacent the CIA annex, which would have been safer and more secure. But ultimately that plan was scotched. So, yes, some new information will come out tomorrow, I think.”
Photo: http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2013/images/01/22/eyetvsnapshot[5].jpg