CNN Press Room

Christine Brennan on Lance Armstrong: “We can retire the gold medal for cheating”

Last night,  Piers Morgan welcomed journalist Buzz Bissinger and USA Today’s Christine Brennan to the program to react to the Lance Armstrong  breaking news story:

“Sensational revelations,” said Bissinger. “As we all know, no one is really shocked by them.  At least he was somewhat forthcoming. What I do want to hear more about is his justification for lying, literally, up to the final moment.”

While Bissinger and Morgan further discussed Armstrong’s all-encompassing confession, celebrated sports columnist Christine Brennan sat in a nearby “Green Room,” and weighed in on the breaking story.

“Wow, that was a wild minute of television, wasn’t it. The ‘Yes, Yes, Yes,'” Brennan quoted, repeating Armstrong’s series of answers to Winfrey’s opening questions. “This man lied with ease, Piers, for over a decade. And he came clean – if we want to call it coming clean, I guess it’s coming clean, if we can believe this now – with that same kind of ease. Ruthless. You almost wonder if he has a heart or a soul to be able to completely do a 180 so quickly on something that he has stood by forever. That was breathtaking.” Watch more here.