CNN Press Room

Buzz Bissinger on Lance Armstrong

 Tonight on OutFront, CNN’s Erin Burnett spoke with Buzz Bissinger, author of “Friday Night Lights” and a contributor for Newsweek and The Daily Beast.  Last August Bissinger wrote the cover story for Newsweek entitled, “I Still Believe in Lance Armstrong.”  Recently he withdrew his support saying “Don’t believe a word he says because not a word he says can be believed.”Bissinger told Burnett that Lance Armstrong had reached out to him to apologize , he said “I think the apology is real.  And I respect him for that.  But if he thinks I’m going to sit there and I’m going to be one with tears coming down my face watching him on Oprah, he’s mistaken.  He’s hurt, really hurt, hurt, legally and emotionally, too many people.  Millions of people, tens of millions of people.”