CNN Press Room

The Situation Room: Exclusive Report from Egypt Airs, Sat., Jan 12

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer will present a one-hour special on his travel to Egypt and his exclusive, one-hour interview with Egypt’s first democratically elected leader, President Mohamed Morsy on CNN at 6 p.m. ET, Saturday, Jan 12. Blitzer spoke with Morsy at the presidential palace in Cairo about a wide range of topics including the Arab Spring, democracy in Egypt, his support for calls that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad be tried for war crimes saying, “…the Syrians want it and we support the Syrian people.” Pres. Morsy also told Blitzer on the democracy of Egypt, “Anyone can say from the opposition whatever they want for the sake of the interests of the nation and no one should be afraid of the opposition.

The one-hour special will air on Saturday, Jan. 12 at 6 p.m. ET on The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer on CNN and at 4 a.m. and 3 p.m. ET on CNN International. A full transcript of the program will be available on

MANDATORY CREDIT: CNN’s “The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer

Highlights from the full interview:
•    Release of the blind Egyptian clericI want him to be free, but I respect the law and the rule of law in Egypt and the United States. What I am talking about isn’t a violation.”
•    Democracy in Egypt, “I think our grandchildren will take it [freedom] for granted.  But we have been suffering together and then we’re moving together to the new position, real freedom, democracy, good welfare.
•    On the Arab Spring, “The Arab Spring will win over. And this area shall civilize. But of course, we can’t work in isolation from the world. We love this world and we want to live in peace.”
•    Morsy wants al-Assad tried for war crimes, “This phase is the phase of the people,” Morsy said. “Similar to what the Egyptian people wanted, the Syrian people want it. And we support the Syrian people, and they’re going to win, and they have the will to win.”
