CNN Press Room

Fareed Zakaria Hosts Global Broadcast ‘Memo to the President’

Memo to the President: The GPS Road Map for a 2nd Term debuts Sunday, Jan. 13, at 8:00pm ET & PT

In advance of President Obama’s second inauguration, CNN’s and TIME’s Fareed Zakaria will host a primetime special with advice for Mr. Obama on the foreign and domestic challenges that yet await him, from top statesmen and women of our time who have served this president and others.

Memo to the President: The GPS Road Map for a 2nd Term – A Fareed Zakaria GPS Special debuts Sunday, Jan. 13 at 8:00pm and 11:00pm ET & PT on CNN/U.S.

Offering counsel to President Obama for a successful legacy in the areas of fiscal management, immigration, foreign policy, trade, investments and more, from their own experience advising the most elite office of power in the world, are:

Rubin, who served during an earlier hyper-partisan era, feels this one is worse.  “In a democracy, you can only move forward if both sides, albeit having very different philosophical views, are willing to come together to govern…And without it, I think we’re going to be in terrible trouble,” Rubin says.

For his own counsel, Zakaria cautions that though Mr. Obama has secured a legacy with historic healthcare reform, he must now ensure its funding mechanisms are sustainable.  “Getting healthcare reform right may be more important to our fiscal future, than any other set of policies,” Zakaria says in the special.  And of exceptional importance, Zakaria advises, is managing the economy for the next generation, specifically, improving the nation’s aging infrastructure, fixing education, and reforming entitlement programs to secure them.

Baker agrees that managing the economy and bipartisan compromise are the priorities for second term success.  “President Obama …wants a legacy.  He deserves one.  He’s not going to have a legacy if he can’t fix our economy,” Baker says to Zakaria.

Memo to the President: The GPS Road Map for a 2nd Term will replay on CNN/U.S. on Saturday, Jan. 19 at 8:00pm and 11:00pm ET and PT.  The special will debut on CNN International on Saturday, Jan. 19 at 9:00pm, with replays on Sunday, Jan. 20 at 7:00am, 3:00pm, and 9:00pm.  All international broadcast times are Eastern Time in North America.

Closer to the premiere, commentary related to foreign policy and domestic opportunities for President Obama’s second term, written by Fareed Zakaria, may be found at   During the special broadcast, producers of the special will engage viewers with their policy advice for the president via Twitter, using the hashtag “#ObamaMemo.”

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