CNN Press Room

Wolf Blitzer interviews Egyptian President Mohamed Morsy in Cairo

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer sat down today for an exclusive, one-hour interview with Egypt’s first democratically elected leader, President Mohamed Morsy. Blitzer spoke with Morsy at the presidential palace in Cairo about a wide range of topics including his support for calls that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad be tried for war crimes saying, “the Syrians want it and we support the Syrian people.”

The interview will air this week on The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, 4-7 p.m. on CNN and CNN International.

Blitzer is CNN’s lead political anchor and is well known for his in-depth reporting of international news. He has reported from cities across the Middle East from Baghdad to Beirut. Blitzer began his career in 1972 with the Reuters News Agency in Tel Aviv and was a vital component of CNN’s coverage of the unrest in Middle East and Africa. In 2011, he traveled with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s delegation to France, Egypt and Tunisia.

ADDITIONAL VIDEO: Candy Crowley debriefs Wolf Blitzer after his interview with Pres. Morsy