PREVIEW: CNN International Programme Information Weeks 46 & 47
Going Green: Secrets In The Ice

CNN accompany a research team from the Alfred Wegener Institute as they map the melting of Greenland’s vast ice shield
Saturday 1 December at 0900 GMT / 1000 CET and 2000 GMT / 2100 CET Sunday 2 December at 0200 GMT / 0300 CET and 1000 GMT / 1100 CET Duration: 1 hour
Greenland is home to an ice shield twice the size of Texas – a mass so large it effectively serves as the world’s air conditioner. The shield is highly sensitive to the effects of climate change though and right now, researchers say, it is melting at an alarming rate.
In ‘Going Green: Secrets In The Ice’, CNN’s Fred Pleitgen accompanies a team from Germany’s Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research on an unprecedented journey across a majestic landscape to a place very few humans have ever seen. This is the first time a TV crew has been given access to such a mission and, as the researchers work to develop a new method of mapping ice melt, secrets which have been locked in the ice for thousands of years are uncovered.
The team then takes to the sky on a helicopter mission tracking the growing number of icebergs that are jeopardising shipping in arctic waters, before visiting farmers who are now able to plant new crops like strawberries due to the rising temperatures. @fpleitgenCNN
CNN Business Traveller

The nose of an A380 arrives in Pauillac by sea, ready to make final journey to Toulouse, France for assembly
Thursday 15 November at 0830 GMT / 0930 CET Friday 16 November at 0530 GMT / 0630 CET Saturday 17 November at 0730 GMT / 0830 CET Sunday 18 November at 0400 GMT / 0500 CET Duration: 30 minutes
This month ‘CNN Business Traveller’ witnesses the construction of an Airbus A380 – the world’s largest passenger airliner. Too big to be flown to its final assembly point, the wings, fuselage and tail take the scenic route – by boat, barge and finally truck – through the tiny villages of rural France. CNN correspondent Ayesha Durgahee follows the convoy of A380 parts as it wends its way to Airbus’ gigantic assembly facility near Toulouse, France.
Also in November’s show, CNN’s Sandra Endo investigates the boom in the use of tablet computers on planes – in the cockpit, on the ground and in the cabin. Rosie Tomkins also takes to the skies to test the technology behind onboard Wi-Fi, hearing from the CEOs of the largest global providers, Gogo and Row 44. @RichardQuest @AyeshaCNN
Open Court
Thursday 22 November at 1030 GMT / 1130 CET and 1730 GMT / 1830 CET Saturday 24 November at 0830 GMT / 0930 CET and 2200 GMT / 2300 CET Sunday 25 November at 1730 GMT / 1830 CET Duration: 30 minutes
The stars are out in force for November’s ‘Open Court’. Hosted by Pat Cash, the show comes from London where the top male tennis players in the world will close out their season at the ATP World Tour Finals. ‘Open Court’ attends the player’s gala night out in capital and captures the excitement of the final showdown of the year.
The focus then shifts to the women’s game as ‘Open Court’ takes a look at Serena Williams and her remarkable year. In 2012, the world number three has won Wimbledon, two Olympic gold medals & capped off her incredible year with the U.S. Open crown. In a rare interview, Williams tells ‘Open Court’ about her bond with her sister Venus, her mother’s support and what she considers to be the turning point of the season.
CNN’s Pedro Pinto also travels to Turkey to speak to the top stars of the women’s game, meeting some of the biggest names on the ladies tour – including Victoria Azarenka and Maria Sharapova – for a fun quick-fire quiz. @cnnopencourt @TheRealPatCash @pedrocnnCNNGo: Paris
Wednesday 14 November at 1030 GMT / 1130 CET and 1730 BST / 1830 CET Saturday 17 November at 0530 GMT/ 0630 CET and 1930 BST / 2030 CET Sunday 18 November at 1330 GMT/ 1430 CET Duration: 30 minutes ‘CNNGo’, CNN’s unique take on global destinations, heads to Paris this month, to reveal the sights, tastes and sounds of the French capital, visiting the historical wonders of the city and discovering the trendiest spots off the beaten track.
The programme meets French chef Gregory Marchand, a former cook at Jamie Oliver’s ‘Fifteen’ in London, who has returned to Paris to open his own restaurant. Marchand tells ‘CNNGo’ his enterprises abroad opened his gastronomic imagination but he still displays the disciplined skills of a classically trained French chef.
The programme takes to the streets of Paris with Adam Roberts, a British writer best known for his blog ‘Invisible Paris’, who takes CNN cameras to some out-of-the-way places.
‘CNNGo’ also meets accessories designer Jerome Dreyfuss, winner of the ‘Venus de la Mode’ and ANDAM awards; up-and-coming star of acoustic soul Mariama; gallery-exhibited tattoo artist Laura Satana, and Mimi Xu, aka DJ Mity Rabbit, who spins the decks at chic clubs and festivals around the world. @CNNGo