CNN Press Room

John McCain tells Anderson Cooper that he won’t support Mourdock unless he apologizes

Last night, Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, told Anderson Cooper that his support for Richard Mourdock was dependent on an apology from the Republican Senate candidate for his remarks that pregnancies caused by rape are intended by God.

“It depends on what he does,” McCain said. He was answering Anderson’s question about whether he still considered himself in Mourdock’s corner after the comments on rape and pregnancy, which came at a debate Tuesday.” If he apologizes and says he misspoke and he was wrong and asks the people to forgive him, I would be the first,” the 2008 presidential nominee said, adding that he had made mistakes and asked for people’s forgiveness after owning up to his transgressions. “It is when you don’t own up to it when people don’t believe you,” he said.