CNN Press Room

Michelle Obama: “Barack doesn’t have a big ego.”

Jessica Yellin interviews first lady Michelle Obama about the president’s ego, or lack of it, going into the debate. A full transcript will be posted on

Michelle Obama to CNN’s Jessica Yellin, “You know, Barack doesn’t have a big ego.  You know, that’s the thing.  I mean he is– you know, you– you see this in, you know, how he leads the country.  I mean he is very open to other people’s opinions.  And he’s always willing to compromise and he is always, always listening.  You know?  So that would– kind of be the last thing that I would think of when I– talk about my husband, is big– big ego, because he– he just doesn’t have that.  So it’s not much to check.”

Please credit all use to CNN’s Jessica Yellin