CNN Press Room

O’Brien to Romney rep.: Romney position on Israel and Palestine solution “contradictory”

CNN’s Soledad O’Brien asks Mitt Romney Senior Communications Advisor Tara Wall to clarify Romney’s position on Iran and Israel and Palestine.

On Israel and Palestine, O’Brien points out that earlier this year at a fundraising event, which was secretly recorded and released by Mother Jones, Romney said that a “pathway to peace is almost unthinkable” and it will “remain an unsolved problem.” And in a released transcript of today’s speech he will say that he would pursue the goal of a democratic Palestinian state “side by side with peace and security with the Jewish state of Israel.”

O’Brien asks, “Those are completely contradictory. Which one is true?”

Wall answers, “The fact is it’s the President who’s failed in the negotiation process. He’s the leader right now, of this country. And he has failed to meet with leaders of Israel and –“

O’Brien states, “And Tara, that was an excellent shift, but answer, for me, about Governor Romney.”

Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien airs weekday mornings from 7-9am ET on CNN.