CNN Press Room

Ali Velshi to Jack Welch: ‘to say…this is like Trump saying that Pres Obama is not an American citizen’

Tonight on AC360, things got a bit heated when CNN’s Chief Business Correspondent Ali Velshi joined the conversation betwen jack Welch and Amderson Cooper saying that Welch is “ the best CEO is America” but went on to say that “ to say something like this is like Donald Trump saying that president Obama is not an American citizen without any proof. You are Jack Welch, jack, you gotta take this opportunity while everybody is listening to you to actually say: yes, Anderson I’m taking that tweet back. I’m gonna send a new tweet to say I was exaggerating. There are problems BLS maybe should look into it but to actually throw out an accusation that’s like asking the government how often do you beat your wife”

Video link below to the interview below. Please credit al usage to Anderson Cooper 360°

Jack Welch interview – pt. II