CNN Press Room

David Frum to DNC Chair: ‘Pres. Obama does not feel strongly about Jerusalem’

DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) joins Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien to discuss the party platform change on Israel, saying it was a “technical omission.”

O’Brien says, “But It seems like an important issue to have a mess up on. Right, I mean of all the issues, of all of the things that you could have a mistake on, this particular one seems like a really big one to be like ‘Oh, technical issue.’ That’s why I think people are a little cynical about that.”

Rep. Wasserman Schultz explains, “When President Obama realized that an important issue like Jerusalem, which he believes is and should remain the capital of Israel, when he realized that that omission was there, unlike Mitt Romney, who says that he opposes his party’s platform on human life, and that he wants an exception for rape, incest and the life of the mother, never insisted, never did anything about it, didn’t even try to change it, President Obama, when he realized there was this omission, said this platform should reflect my personal view and now it does.”

CNN Contributor David Frum says, “The reason what you’re saying is so non-credible is because we all know that President Obama does not feel strongly about Jerusalem. He walked back his APAC speech in 2008. In his Middle — big Middle East final status speech. He made a commitment on borders. He did not make a commitment on Jerusalem. We all know he doesn’t feel stronger about it, that’s why this is explosive.

“I strongly — strongly object and disagree with you,” Wasserman Schultz says. “President Obama as Defense Minister Ehud Barak has said has been a strong friend of Israel.”

Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien airs weekday mornings from 7-9am ET on CNN.