CNN Press Room

DNC Chair on platform change: Yes, it was absolutely two-thirds.

CNN White House correspondent Brianna Keilar caught up with DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz on the convention floor to talk about the changes to the party platform. A full transcript of the interview is after the jump.

Please credit CNN’s Brianna Keilar

BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT:  Hi there, Anderson.  I’m here with Debbie Wasserman Schultz.  She’s, you know, the chairwoman of the DNC.

You’re one of the most prominent Jewish lawmakers.  How did you feel when you learned that the platform omitted Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

REP. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (D-FL), DNC CHAIRWOMAN:  Well, really, it was essentially a technical oversight.  And President Obama, because he personally believes that Jerusalem is and always should remain the capital of Israel, he made sure that we amended the platform so that it would reflect his personal view, as well as reflect the language that we had in the platform in 2008.

And it goes on to say, as we had in the platform and that has reflected decades of American policy for Republican and Democratic presidents, that essentially, Jerusalem is the subject of final status talks between the two parties.

KEILAR:  And the language on God, you would call a technical oversight as well?

WASSERMAN SCHULTZ:  Yes, the language on God.  While we were amending the platform to include Jerusalem and the president’s personal view, we also felt it was important to make sure that we made a reference there.

KEILAR:  But isn’t that frustrating?  A technical oversight?  I mean, the ramifications are somewhat serious.  You open yourself wide for criticism from Republicans who say the president’s moving away from Israel.

WASSERMAN SCHULTZ:  Listen, I’m so proud of our president’s stellar record on Israel and proud that our platform is 100 percent strong on the U.S./Israel relationship, on making sure that Israel remains a Jewish and democratic state.  We have even stronger language than the Republicans do on preventing Iran from achieving a nuclear weapon.

So I was already extremely proud of this strong pro-Israel platform.  And now, I’m even more proud that President Obama wanted to make sure that it reflected his personal view that Jerusalem is and always will be the capital of Israel.

KEILAR:  How was it overlooked?

WASSSERMAN SCHULTZ:  You know, look, forums are many pages long.  The bottom line is that we’ve taken steps, we’ve amended it, President Obama felt it was important to reflect his personal view, and it’s done.  And we’re moving forward and continuing this convention.

KEILAR:  And what about the process of changing the platform?  Three voice votes that had to be done.  There was booing on the floor.  I mean, that’s obviously not what you want to be seen, discord here on what’s really —

WASSERMAN SCHULTZ:  No, there wasn’t any discord.  You know, and Mayor Villaraigosa, as he presided, in order to amend the platform, it takes a two-thirds vote.  He had to make sure we had a two-thirds vote.  And when he realized that we did, we moved forward.

KEILAR:  And did you really feel like it was two-thirds?  It seemed like a lot of people felt like maybe it wasn’t quite there.

WASSERMAN SCHULTZ:  Yes, it was absolutely two-thirds.  And I know because our platform was adopted yesterday that has very strong pro-Israel language, is a strong pro-Israel platform.  As the first Jewish woman to represent Florida in Congress, who takes my love of Israel to work with me every single day, I’m proud to support this president because as Defense Minister Ehud Barak has said, that Israel has never had a greater friend than President Obama.

KEILAR:  Let me ask you this, because I didn’t talk to you yesterday but some of my colleagues did.  I spoke with other people close to the president and they stood by the platform and they said, no, no, it’s not a mistake.  But it seems very much a change today where we see this has been amended.  It’s a difference in language between yesterday and today.

WASSERMAN SCHULTZ:  No, no, it’s not actually — because President Obama really felt that it was personally important to him to make sure that his personal view, that Jerusalem is and always will remain the capital of Israel was reflected in the platform.  And this was directly the result of his personal view.  And, you know, something amending the platform during the convention, because it was the president’s priority, demonstrates yet again that he always has had Israel’s back and always will.

KEILAR:  And, obviously, something very much a concern to you as a key constituency represent a district where you have a number of Jewish/American voters, it’s very personal to you.  We thank you very much for taking the time.

WASSERMAN SCHULTZ:  Thank you, Brianna.
