CNN Press Room

Sen. Durbin: Expiring tax cuts for everybody is ‘a very real possibility, unless there’s an agreement’

Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) explains his view on tax cuts and why he doesn’t support Mitt Romney’s territorial tax system plan.

CNN Anchor Soledad O’Brien asks, “If it comes down to let [tax cuts] expire for everybody or extend them all for everybody, what would you pick?”

Sen. Durbin says, “Well, I certainly don’t want to see any tax increase for working families… and it’s within the power of Congress to avoid that. But if we have to have this day of reckoning, in order to finally break through and have meaningful deficit reduction, that’s still creates a growing economy, then let’s face it.”

When O’Brien presses by asking if he would vote today to let all tax cuts expire if there isn’t an agreement, Sen. Durbin responds, “… I’m not going to take that off the table.”

Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien airs weekday mornings from 7-9am ET on CNN.