Costa Concordia survivors recall disaster for CNN documentary replays Saturday, July 14
CNN senior international correspondent Dan Rivers reports for a compelling new documentary investigation into what could have prevented the Costa Concordia cruise ship disaster on January 13, 2012, that killed at least 32 passengers and crew members. Rivers interviews passengers who lived to describe how they survived the disaster, and how they are coping with their experiences.
He also speaks with Costa CEO Pier Luigi Foschi, the lawyer for the ship’s captain Francesco Schettino, and International Maritime Organization Secretary General Koji Sekimizu about responsibility for the disaster. U.S. Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) discusses the safety and compensation issues raised by the Costa Concordia.
CNN Presents: Cruise to Disaster replays Sunday, July 14 at 8:00pm and 11:00pm ET and PT on CNN/U.S.