CNN Press Room

Rep. Chaffetz on Romney: “Get over it. He’s been successful.;” shouldn’t release more tax returns

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) talks tax cuts and national debt on Starting Point and says Mitt Romney should not release the rest of his tax returns to the public.

When CNN Contributor Ryan Lizza asks why he thinks the American people shouldn’t see the rest of Mitt Romney’s tax returns, Rep. Chaffetz says, “[Mitt Romney’s] been very successful. He has released everything that is required to be released, including paying more than 16 percent of his income to charitable givings. So I think it’s a diversionary tactic. Most people don’t care about this. Governor Romney has been very successful. Get over it. It’s a reality. He’s been successful. That’s the kind of guy I want to be president. He actually knows how to turn the economy around.”

Lizza asks, “Is that why he’s not releasing them, because he’s so successful? What does that have to do with not releasing tax returns?”

Chaffetz replies, “He is doing everything that’s required by law. He’s had these things in blind trust for a number of years. He was governor for four years. He is one of the most well vetted people out there, and he has done everything required as possible.”

Lizza follows up, “But he hasn’t done what previous candidates have done, which is release all his tax returns.”

Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien airs weekday mornings from 7-9am ET on CNN.