CNN Press Room

CNN Digital launches audio beat through Soundwaves

Building upon its foundation of innovative storytelling, CNN Digital is launching Soundwaves, the network’s online destination for news content formatted in an original listening experience. Produced by CNN Radio, this new audio beat will enhance the way users consume news by offering content in four forms: audio, text, photo and video. Users can share and embed audio clips from Soundwaves across their social networks, allowing more exposure to and conversation about audio news stories.

“Soundwaves is a new frontier for CNN Radio,” said Tyler Moody, vice president of CNN Radio. “Some stories are enhanced by an audio format, and we want to deliver a product that gives people that option. Also, being able to socialize Soundwaves gives us the opportunity to engage in two-way communication with our audience – not just broadcast to fans.”

Covering a wide range of topics, Soundwaves packages a combination of the day’s top stories as well as original content written by CNN Radio’s award-winning editorial staff and various contributing writers. With several sections including “Current” for current events, “Original” for original reporting and “Voices” for capturing viewpoints across the CNN network, Soundwaves offers a motley assortment of perspectives and subject matter to attract a diverse audience.

Soundwaves is also home to an original series this political season called “Embed America”. Partnering with CNNiReport, the network’s global participatory news community, CNN Radio correspondents Lisa DeJardins and John Sepulvado are traveling across the country to interview CNN iReporters on election issues close to their hearts – either in their own specific geographic regions or the country as a whole. “Embed America” puts the everyday American out front, giving them the chance to say why certain election issues matter to the everyday American. Some of the topics include health care costs, public transportation, education and gun violence – issue named important by iReporters during Phase 1 of the iReport Debate.

Soundwaves is powered by SoundCloud, an audio platform that enables users to embed CNN Radio’s stories on other websites and across a number of social networks, adding to the traditional podcast outlets. In addition to Soundwaves, users can listen to original CNN Radio podcasts online at via iTunes and Stitcher, where users will also find other audio podcasts from CNN such as AC360 and Piers Morgan Tonight.

To learn more about Soundwaves and its content, follow CNN Radio on Twitter at @CNNRadio.