CNN Press Room

Pawlenty: Pres. Obama immigration policy ‘looks political’

Former Governor Tim Pawlenty reacts to President Obama’s immigration policy and talks GOP VP picks.

Pawlenty says, “It comes at the eleventh hour of at least [Pres. Obama’s] first term, and hopefully his only term as President. And he’s obviously kind of given up working with the Congress on these issues, apparently. On the eve of the election of the presidential race, it looks political. But more importantly, it’s a real issue. You have young children in this country who through no fault of their own are here. It’s an important issue. And it deserves to be addressed before the Congress. And as Governor Romney said on a long term and permanent basis, so these people, young people, don’t have to guess whether their status is gonna change depending on the outcome of any given election.”

Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien airs weekday mornings from 7-9am ET on CNN.