CNN Press Room

TONIGHT – @AC360 is Keeping Another Charity Honest – This Time it’s Pets! WATCH @DrewGriffinCNN’s Piece –

As a result of several reports on Anderson Cooper 360° on the Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF), the Senate Finance Committee has opened an investigation to explore how of $56 million dollars raised, none of that money has actually gone to help veterans groups directly.

Tonight, Anderson Cooper 360 is again Keeping Them Honest. This time it’s homeless pets.
If you look at the dogs and cats being so well cared for by the Montreal SPCA, you’d think it’s a charity in solid shape.
But the executive director of the charity told CNN that the organization is still in significant debt to a U.S. direct mail fund raising company after signing a seven year contract.

Nicholas Gilman, the Montreal SPCA’s Executive Director, told CNN’s Drew Griffin that his charity once owed a little more than $4 million to a company called Quadriga Art, headquartered in New York City. Quadriga Art is the same direct mail company still owed more than $15 million by a Washington-based veteran’s charity, now under investigation by the Senate Finance Committee. That $4 million debt has now been whittled down to around $1.7 million but Quadriga Art, Gilman said, also has a lien on the charity’s shelter in Montreal.
Quadriga Art CEO, Mark Schulhof has repeatedly refused Griffin’s interview requests.
A spokesperson gave CNN this statement” This has been a proven model for more than 50 years, despite being criticized by some charity watch groups”