June 7th, 2012

Piers Morgan Tonight: Gov.Scott Walker on the VP nomination

 Tonight, “Piers Morgan Tonight” welcomed Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker for his first CNN interview since his state’s recall vote.

Joining Piers Morgan from Milwaukee, the 44-year-old Republican responds to the host’s suggestion that this week’s events have put him in the running for a spot on Mitt Romney‘s GOP ticket for the Fall:

“If he were to ask me about what to do with Wisconsin I’d say one of the most-powerful reformers in the country grew up just down the way from me: Paul Ryan. I’d probably suggest he put him on the ticket.”

Despite capturing the attention of the nation during his Badger State battle with Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, Walker insists his time is better spent on the local level:

“After a year and a half worth of all this, I want to help Wisconsin move forward.”