April 6th, 2012

Cain vs. Velshi: Arguments for, against economic recovery

On Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien, CNN Chief Business Correspondent Ali Velshi and CNN contributor Will Cain  engage in a spirited discussion interpreting the state of the economy and recovery. Comedian John Fugelsang and Rep. Nan Hayworth (R-NY) join the panel.

Cain says, “Soledad, I’m going to say politically three messages from Republicans, you heard two from representative Hayworth, the length of the recovery and jobs.  I assume people can’t hear so I want them to read it.

Velshi interjects, “Do you have an e-mail where you get these from?  I apologize to my good friend, Will, for the recovery, because it’s messing up the conservative campaign.”

Cain responds, “This is a legitimate explanation of what some of the arguments will be, still a high level of debt, going through de-leveraging.  There are external threats like Iran.  In the end, how do Americans feel.  In most polls, most indicators like your take-home pay Americans don’t feel like the economy is in recovery.  That will be the biggest impact on the election.”

“I disagree with the idea that we should always hope the recovery comes on the back of consumerism and that people feel good so they spend more and get into more debt,” says Velshi. “Right now it’s the only game we have, and it’s working.  However you feel about this, the fact is Americans are spending money.”

Cain: “I can read.  I know we have a recovery in play.  These are the questions about that recovery.”

Velshi: “Now you’re looking for an excuse.”

O’Brien: “Are you really going to fight in front of the congresswoman?  We’re having a brawl and it’s not between our guests and panelists as that sometimes happen.”

Hayworth says, “It’s the effect I have on men.”

Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien airs weekday mornings from 7-9am ET on CNN.