CNN Press Room

Tea Party Express chair: Etch-a-Sketch line won’t go away

Tea Party Express chair Amy Kremer appears on Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien to discuss Romney campaign aide’s Etch-a-Sketch comment and how it will affect the GOP race.

Kremer says, “I don’t think it’s going to go away and the reason… is because his opponents are going to keep it front and center.”

She continues, “[Tea Party members] are educated on the issues… Social media and the internet [have] also allowed people to go back and do research on these candidates and their records. They don’t just make decisions based off the talking points that they’re given at a podium. They’re investigating and I think they’re going to decide which candidate they want.”

Kremer adds, “The people across the country want a fiscal conservative…. That’s why we want theses candidates to stay focused on the economy and the fiscal issues of jobs, jobs, jobs. Getting the gas prices down…. They need to get off the social issues and focus on what is important to Americans.”

Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien airs week mornings from 7-9am ET on CNN.