CNN Press Room

Randy Walker on pardoned man who shot him: “I would defend myself”

Randy Walker talks to CNN’s Soledad O’Brien about the Mississippi Supreme Court decision to uphold former Governor Haley Barbour’s pardon of the convicted killer, David Gatlin, who shot him.

Walker says, “The Supreme Court weighed in and they’ve weighed in on the wrong side of the issue. I think they did what was politically easy for them rather than what was right for the people of Mississippi.”

He continues, “The court never reached out to us and Haley Barbour has still not reached out to us. We continue to ask for a meeting with him…. We just have some questions. We feel like we’re due some answers.”

When O’Brien asks him if he is worried for his life, Walker responds, “Once someone tries to kill you and they don’t succeed, he’s always a threat…. I’ve been advised, if I see David in any of my immediate area… I’ll take it as an immediate threat on my life and I’ll act accordingly.”

When O’Brien asks for further clarification, Walker adds, “[Gatlin] would know what it means.”

O’Brien follows up, “Are you threatening him?”

Walker answers, “I would take that as a threat on my life and I would defend myself.”

Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien airs week mornings from 7-9am ET on CNN.