CNN Press Room

“Joe the Plumber” on running for office and views on homosexuality

Congressional candidate Samuel Wurzelbacher, commonly known as “Joe the Plumber”, joins Early Start to discuss his qualifications to run for political office and his previous controversial statements about homosexuality.

On what qualifies him to run for Congress, Wurzelbacher says, “Politicians… live off the backs of broke taxpayers. They constantly take advantage of us. They don’t get anything done. There’s never-ending money from the taxpayer, not enough American people are stepping up. My qualification is that I’m an American and I’ve served my country in the military, and I’m going to serve my country in Congress. The whole idea from our Constitution and the creation of our country is for people to come out of the community, represent their constituents, their fellow Americans, and then go back to the community. Right now, unfortunately, you’ve got career politicians that lose touch with the reality of what is America… So, I have lots of qualifications.”

When CNN anchor Zoraida Sambolin asks Wurzelbacher to explain his stance on homosexuality, he accuses her of “trying to do a gotcha moment” to which Samoblin responds, “It’s not a gotcha moment. These are things that you said and I think people voting for you should have an opportunity to understand whether or not you have changed your positions on these two issues here.”

Wurzelbacher continues, “I have spoke with Jimmy LaSalvia over at GOProud and I’m in an agreement that I’m going to work towards all Americans, homosexuals, straight. They want jobs. That’s what it comes down to. I’m allowed to have my opinion as an American but it seems the left is very intolerant when you have an opinion other than what they state.”

Early Start with Ashleigh Banfield & Zoraida Sambolin airs week mornings from 5-7am ET on CNN.