CNN Press Room

Soledad O’Brien asks Santorum rep. about polling gender gap and contraception stance

CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien interviews Rick Santorum campaign Press Secretary Alice Stewart about his stance on contraception and if there is a correlation to lower polling numbers among Republican women.

Stewart says, “It’s one of the many issues that Rick Santorum stands firm on…. He doesn’t support contraception…. Personally, his faith is opposed to it. Politically, he has not stood in the way of contraception.”

O’Brien asks, “Do you think that stance is hurting him among Republican women when we see in polls that he is nine points beyond Mitt Romney…?”

Stewart answers, “He has a lot of faith and confidence in women…. He is a strong supporter of women, working women, single mothers, and so any claim that he doesn’t support women in the workplace are certainly unfounded.

O’Brien says, “You know I certainly did not say that. I was just asking you to explain to me the gender gap. I’m not really sure we got an answer on that.”

Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien airs week mornings from 7-9a ET on CNN.