CNN Press Room

Rep. Allen West on payroll tax cut: We don’t need economic band aids

On Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien, Tea Party member Rep. Allen West (R-FL) responds to news of a tentative deal to extend the payroll tax cut.

On voting for the extension, West says, “Well, not if we’re going to do it on the backs of American homeowners, I won’t support that. I voted yes for this back in December and we had everything paid for. We were not running a deficit for Social Security, which is exactly what we’re talking about doing. So, it’s about time that we get pretty genuine with the American people and not give them some political gimmicks. But let’s start doing the things that look out for our future, not just a short term economic Band-Aid.”

CNN contributor Will Cain responds, “[Americans] care very much about the government running a deficit. They’d like to see the government take care of that.”

CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien adds, “But they don’t actually want to pay for it.”

Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien airs week mornings from 7-9am ET on CNN.