CNN Press Room

Gingrich campaign chairman: Romney has been broken

Newt Gingrich Campaign Chairman Bob Walker talks to Soledad O’Brien about their strategy and winning over the conservative vote at CPAC and across the nation.

Walker says, “… Whose message resonates not only with the crowd here but conservatives across the country. Then I think that Newt is going to have a very strong conservative message. It’s going to be one that’s going to be positive. It’s one that is going to I think resonate across the country with conservatives who understand now that the Romney inevitability has been broken by what happened in South Carolina and now in three states in the West.

He continues, “Rick Santorum had a great night, but Rick Santorum’s record still has yet to be examined, and I think that that’s one of the things that we will see over the next few weeks. I think that the things with Newt Gingrich is, he’s been coming here for a lot of years and he’s been coming here as the conservative leader. It has been Newt Gingrich who has set the agenda for conservatives for many years and I think this week here at CPAC he will help set the agenda for conservatives once again.”

Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien airs week mornings from 7-9am ET on CNN.