CNN Press Room

“Fat Joe” Cartagena tells Dr. Gupta how he “dropped a body”

On this weekend’s edition of SANJAY GUPTA, MD, CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta and senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin will preview the oral arguments expected during next spring’s U.S. Supreme Court hearing on the Constitutionality of the individual mandate for  the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (otherwise known as “national healthcare reform”).

Dr. Gupta also interviews rapper Joseph “Fat Joe” Cartagena, about how he lost over 100 pounds without surgery or supplements – and kicks off the 2012 CNN Fit Nation Challenge with a look back at what the 2011 participants achieved, and explaining how viewers can submit applications to be on the 2012 team.

This edition of SANJAY GUPTA, MD will air on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 19 & 20 at 7:30am ET.
