CNN Press Room

It’s time for a Secret Supper in Chicago is hosting its fifth Eatocracy Secret Supper tomorrow in Chicago where guests will gather around the dinner table at a secret location to discuss the city’s culture and how it mirrors the Chicago food landscape. The dinner will be hosted by Eatocracy’s editor, Kat Kinsman.  She’ll be joined by Chicago locals as well as Chicago native and CNN contributor Roland Martin as well as CNN contributor LZ Granderson.  But that’s not all. and the Eatocracy team have a lot more to share, so follow @eatocracy on Twitter and keep track of #CNNSupper for the latest details, which will be sprinkled throughout the site shortly – location, guest list, chef, menu and a couple more ‘garnishes’!

Our Eatocracy editors will be live blogging at the event which begins tomorrow at 6:00pET/5:00PT.

To stave off your hunger for more details, here is an Eatocracy story about how a person’s identity is linked to the food they eat: The kid with the stinky lunch