CNN Press Room sets global records for Japan coverage

Traffic: served 67 million global page views on Sat., March 12th, making it the highest weekend day (Sat. or Sun.) in’s history.

(Source: Omniture SiteCatalyst.  March to date is 3/1-3/27, 2011)

Video: served 60 million global video starts on Friday, March 11, the highest level of video usage for a single day in’s history (prior high: Obama inauguration).

(Source: Omniture SiteCatalyst.  March to date is 3/1-3/27, 2011)


CNN’s mobile site achieved 13.9 million page views globally on Fri., March 11, the highest single day to date since tracking began in May 2010.

(Source: Bango Analytics)

During the first 10 days of coverage in Japan, the CNN Apps for iPhone, iPad and Android tablet reached more than 1 million downloads, helping to push CNN’s total beyond 6 million to date. (Source: Apple iTunes Connect and Android Market)

Social Media:

During CNN’s coverage of the disaster in Japan, user interaction with CNN across social media was the highest in 2011, surpassing user interaction during the revolt in Egypt.

CNN on Facebook

CNN on Twitter

(Sources: Facebook and Twitter)
