May 20th, 2011

CNN Newsroom: Sex. Lies. Arrogance.

Sex. Lies. Arrogance. What leads powerful men to engage in questionable behavior? In a partnership with TIME magazine, CNN Newsroom will host a special edition exploring the issues between sex and power. Hosted by Don Lemon, guests will include TIME Executive Editor Nancy Gibbs, who wrote this week’s TIME cover story on the topic. HLN anchors Dr. Drew Pinsky and Jane Velez Mitchell will join the discussion.

The one hour special will air Saturday, May 21 at 10 p.m. (ET).

See the cover of TIME: Read Gibbs’ cover story:


Gayle Haggard tells CNN’s Don Lemon how some deal with the ultimate betrayal.

Doctor of psychology Wendy Walsh has a list of questions women should ask to see if a man is likely to cheat.